Author: gorret11
May 23, 2021
A letter to Sophie from her daughter, Gyaviira
Francisca Gyaviira Nakarera, a novice in Uganda/Kenya province, writes a heartfelt letter to her spiritual mother, Madeleine Sophie
Heartened by Sophie’s life
Sophie’s life of prayer, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and living in God’s presence, were her first priorities.
A letter to Sophie, inspired by the pierced Heart of Jesus
Veneranda Nabisenke, a novice in Uganda/Kenya province, writes a heartfelt letter to her spiritual mother, Madeleine Sophie, inspired by the pierced Heart of Jesus
May 21, 2021
Sophie’s life inspires me
Sophie’s life inspires me in many ways – her desire to make known the love of the Heart of Jesus, reading the signs of the time, her life of prayer, how she faced and handled difficulties.
St. Madeleine Sophie, My Role Model
Cellina Komweru, a novice in Uganda-Kenya Province, explains how Sophie’s life has inspired her to make known the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.