Join Us
Artwork by Sophie Maille rscj
When women come to join us to live our religious life,
we share with them the wealth of our living tradition.
Thus the joy of living our mission in the Church
is renewed and strengthened.
(RSCJ Constitutions #75)
If you are interested to discern a possible call to follow Jesus as a Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ), you may contact:
Antilles / Antillas / Antilles
Argentina-Uruguay / Argentina-Uruguay / Argentine-Uruguay
Australia-New Zealand / Australia-Nueva Zelanda / Australie-Nouvelle-Zélande
Belgium-France-Netherland / Bélgica-Francia-Países Bajos / Belgique-France-Nederland
Amélie Jarrousse rscj
Central European Union / Unión Central Europeo / Union Centrale Européenne
Chile / Chile / Chili
Colombia / Colombia / Colombie
Egypt / Egipto / Egypte
England-Wales / Inglaterra-Gales / Angleterre-Pays de Galles
Indonesia / Indonesia / Indonésie
Korea-Chinese / Corea-Chino / Corée-Chinois
Mexico / México / Mexique
Philippines / Filipinas / Philippines
Spain / España / Espagne