Virtual offering to Mater Admirabilis in Spain

  • Photo: Pixabay
    Photo: Pixabay

The Communication Team from Spain sent out a request for a virtual offering to Mater Admirabilis. More than 150 offerings, wishes and prayers full of devotion and trust in her were received. Here are some of these offerings, which are timeless and universal because they come from our deepest human condition. We can join in these offerings or invoke our own prayer to Mater.

"Take care of us and protect us in these complicated times, give us the serenity we need to face each day with courage, and to be a light for those close to us."  - Ana Esther Amador

"I offer my work and a prayer every day, and I hope to receive the strength, spirit and encouragement of Mater Admirabilis." - Alberto

"Mater Admirabilis, I place in your hands my nerves, my haste, my hyperactivity, my demands on myself, so that you can give me the only thing I need: calm, peace, serenity and trust in God." - Elena Gonzalez-Vallarino

"Mater Admirabilis, heal our wounds." - José Luis Chávez

"Mater Admirabilis, give us humility, calm and serenity in these moments of uncertainty." - Pilar Albañil Sánchez

"Thank you Mater Admirabilis for teaching me to look beyond." - MariCarmen

"Mother of the invisible and the essential, I place before you the people who are invisible, silent... the favorites of a mother. May we learn from your inward gaze to recalibrate the essential to make this world more beautiful." - Natalia Royo
