Malte : Prière à Mater Admirabilis


Mater Admirabilis, f’idek ghandek il-maghzel,
sinjal tal-bzulija u l-ghaqal.  
Ghinni Marija biex naghmel dejjem ix-xoghol
u l-missjoni fdati f’idejja b’fedeltà shiha.
Mater Admirabilis, fuq il-baskett tax-xoghol nara l-Bibbja miftuha,
sinjal li turi li hajtek mibnija fuq il-Kelma t’Alla,
u li ghalik it-talb u l-hidma jimxu flimkien.  
Ghinni Marija biex jien ukoll nghix il-Kelma t’Alla f’kull mument ta’ hajti.
Mater Admirabilis, narak f’mument ta’ kuntemplazzjoni
f’waqfa zghira waqt li qed tahdem.  
Ghinni nitolbok biex inkun dejjem konxja tal-prezenza t’Alla fija,
u nghix hajti f’ghaqda shiha mieghu. 



(English translation)

Mater Admirabilis, in your hand you have the spindle, sign of your diligence and wisdom.  
Help me Mary to always carry out the work and mission entrusted to me with great fidelity.
Mater Admirabilis, on your work basket I can see the open Bible, a sign that your life is built on the Word of God,
and that for you prayer and work go hand in hand.  Help me Mary that I too may live the Word of God at every moment of my life.
Mater Admirabilis, I see you in a moment of contemplation, in a short pause as you work.  
Help me to be always conscious of the presence of God in me, and to live my life in total union with Him.
Katie Mifsud rscj

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