What is God calling us to be?
What is God calling us to do?
The challenge of our time is to live and act as One Body, articulating and creating new ways of living out our priorities for mission across existential and geographic boundaries for the sake of our blessed and broken world. The four Apostolic Priorities are rooted in our Constitutions and in the call of our charism to discover and manifest the love of the Heart of Jesus. They call us – both RSCJ and partners in mission – to live out all our apostolic commitments in a world deeply in need of love, hope and compassion.

Any process through which learnings are exchanged; experiences are shared; skills, knowledge and attitudes are developed, imparted, acquired – all within the contexts of formal education, popular education and socio-educational projects.
The deepening of interiority and the core encounter with Jesus that sensitizes us to His presence in ourselves, in others, in our world – through the contemplative dimension of our life as well as through accompaniment of retreats, spiritual direction, pastoral work and evangelization.

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
Our steadfast commitment to our world in need of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, beckons us towards transformative engagement and action, especially
in situations of particular vulnerability.
Fostering spiritual, human growth and apostolic life at every level – in the context of initial and ongoing formation of RSCJ, formation with our lay partners for mission, for the transmission and sustainability of our charism, for leadership and processes of change and transformation.