Poesía para la Pascua

Photo by Marisol Chirosa rscj (ESS)


Tears and peace are one
Where you break through the walls that fear raised high
To touch the cowering self and bid come forth
Lazarus from the tomb, securely sealed,
To recognise the Lord of life and love
And all the wondrous openings
To freedom and to wholeness and to peace.
Joy grows and swells and fills the very earth
With tears of recognition:
"I am thou and thou art me" and this is life
In all its tangled roots and thrusting stems,
Opening to flowers bearing fruit
That all may pluck and eat.
"This is my body, given for you."
"Drink of this cup, my outpoured life,
That you may live abundantly anew.
This is my gift; do as I do.
Be me, for I am with you
And my life is yours."

Elizabeth Grantham rscj  (+)
Province of England – Wales



Easter week

One can still go to the garden of Gethsemane,
but the Lord Jesus cannot be found there,
nor is He in the Garden tomb.
He is not on the road to Emmaus,
Nor in Galilee,
Nor in Nazareth
Or in Bethlehem.
He must be found in the Heart.

Ruth Woakes rscj  (+)
Province of England – Wales

Province |Inglaterra/País de Gales

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