2020 Feast of the Sacred Heart Reflections & Celebrations

Blessings on the Feast of the Sacred Heart!
June 19, 2020
Here is a collection of reflections, greetings, and celebrations.
Letter from the Superior General
Enter into the Pierced Heart of Jesus… Experience the suffering of God’s people and all creation… Be in solidarity with each other and with people who are suffering… Do not sit and wait… Discover anew the way for our time to manifest God’s love…
BFN:  Brève histoire de la spiritualité du Sacré-Coeur
Interviewed by the newspaper La Croix, Dominique Sadoux rscj retraces the history of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart.
BRA:  Greeting from the Province
CHI: Felicitación y Eucaristía en vivo Sagrado Corazón
Greeting and an invitation to an online celebration of the Eucharist.
ENW:  Magnificat Sacred Heart
A reflective introduction to the Gospel readings for the feast of the Sacred Heart.
ENW:  Rediscovering the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“This Heart is a space wide and deep enough for everyone who wishes to enter for solace or simply to be, and for all the anguish, brokenness and pain being poured into it, alongside all the beauty and joy.”
ESP:  Descubrir y manifestar el amor del Corazón de Jesús
INS:  A video greeting
MEX:  Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón
A reflection on the image of the Sacred Heart.
PER: Eucaristía por la Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón
An invitation to an online celebration of the Eucharist.
USC:  Anticipating the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 2020
In addition to the formula that will be recited by RSCJ around the world, Kimberly King rscj felt called to write these words of renewal, which come with a striking image of a wounded heart, rooted and grounded in the earth, testament to history.
USC:  Celebration of One Body
An invitation to pray together as One Body on the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
USC:  Sacred Heart Education
Irma Dillard rscj, Margaret Causey rscj, and Suzanne Cooke rscj offer this prayer video as a means to prepare for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Their hope is that this preparation will support us as we anchor our hearts in Jesus Christ. 

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