The Society of the Sacred Heart

Discovering and revealing the love of the Heart of Jesus through the service of Education

Image by Patricia Hevia RSCJ

The Society of the Sacred Heart is an international Catholic congregation of women religious, founded in France by St. Madeleine Sophie Barat in 1800.

Today over sixteen hundred Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (RSCJ) – Catholic sisters who have made a lifelong commitment to the Society of the Sacred Heart and its mission to discover and reveal the love of Jesus through the service of education – serve in 43 different countries around the world.

We are aware of living in a historic time of change and uncertainty. The spirit continues to transform us as a Society in order to respond to the cries and hopes of our world with the same daring trust and confidence with which Sophie and Phillipine responded in their time.

Like them, united in our searching and open to the gifts of the spirit in this new moment, we are called to reach new frontiers, to live more humanly, to create silence and to be and to act as one body.

To Reach New Frontiers

To go out, to “set sail” as a Society and go with others to new geographic and existential peripheries to accompany the life that is emerging there, to defend justice, peace and the integrity of creation in reponse to all of those who are searching for meaning in their lives, those who have been wonded, displaced, and exluded beacuse of poverty, violence, and environmental degradation. (GC 2016)
To Live More Humanly

To deepen our interior life, our capacity for comtemplation and for listening to the heartbeat of God in ourselves and in our world; to discern in silence and welcome the action of the lhe Spirit that transforms us, energizes us, and calls us to live our prophetic and educational mission. (GC 2016)
To Create Silence

In the radical style of Jesus of Nazareth we wish to be in closer relationship as sisters with one another and with others we wish to love more. (GC 2016)
To Be and Act as One Body

To revitalize our unity in diversity and to act as one Body. Dynamic, interconnected, linked with other bodies in the world and as church, in order to share collaborate, and be in solidarity among our selves and with others. (GC 2016)

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