2020 Season of Creation: A Call to Hope


“The call to care for our common home, which is replete with diverse beauty, holds unprecedented urgency. Driven by an ethic of caring about the future of our planet we, along with so many others responding to this call, seek creative and effective ways to heed this urgency.

In his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis urges us to listen to “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor (# 49).” It is always the poor who suffer most from the degradation of the earth.”

Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p. 16.

As part of the celebration of the Season of Creation,
we offer this slide presentation of some concrete actions taken to “care for our common home.”

Please click the four arrows beside “Vimeo” for fullscreen view.

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JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home