Celebrating the Feast of Madeleine Sophie in Brazil

The Province of Brazil presents a series of questions and answers regarding the Feast of Madeleine Sophie

How do you celebrate the Feast of Madeleine Sophie?

  • With a beautiful Eucharistic celebration.

What does the Feast of Madeleine Sophie mean?

  • Gratitude – celebration – homage – renewal – a special moment to live our Cor Unum, our union with all the provinces, BEING ONE BODY!
  • A moment of growth in our union with God, with the whole Society of the Sacred Heart.

What would be Madeleine Sophie’s invitation to us today?

  • She would tell us again: “Times change, we must change with them. We must change our points of view.”
  • She would recommend being attentive to the reality of the world, to its evolution, and to “be present” in everything that happens.
  • She would take full advantage of communication technology by writing letters, articles, and commentaries….
  • She would give her blessing to the reconfiguration process of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  • She would insist on living paragraph 116 of the Constitutions on the aging of the RSCJ sisters.
  • She would insist on creating projects for new vocations.

What are the words of Sophie that resonate most strongly for us in these times we live in?

  • Let us not separate the mission from our interior life!
  • Let us not lose hope in this epochal change we are living through, both in the world and in the Society of the Sacred Heart; we are called to be artisans of hope.
  • We will develop and care for our common home, trying to make it a reality in our daily lives.
  • Above all, smile, be happy, go forward!

Section |International News

Province |Brazil

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |25 mai|25 mayo|feast|fête|fiesta|Madeleine Sophie Barat|Magdalena Sofía Barat|May 25

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