Celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart in Brazil

The Province of Brazil celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Heart with these words and images that honor the creation of something new and becoming One Body. 

We joyfully want to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart,
taking up the challenges that today’s reality presents to us.
It is an invitation and an opportunity to feel again
that we are One Body.


Translation of the words in the image:

How to discover and reveal your love?

Madeleine Sophie: A life in continuous response to God’s calls in history.

“Today we are called again to create something new… because the world needs our charism and our mission more than ever: to discover and make known God’s love in the midst of this blessed and wounded world.” – Barbara Dawson

– The Province of Brazil

Section |International News

Province |Brazil

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Feast of the Sacred Heart|Fête du Sacré-Coeur|Fête du Sacré-Cœur|Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón