Celebrating the Feast of St. Madeleine Sophie in Tarnow, Poland

The Sacred Heart preschoolers in Tarnow, in the south of Poland, celebrated the Feast of Saint Madeleine Sophie. They listened to a story of her life and personality, got to know what she looked like by putting together a puzzle, and made pictures of flowers. After that, the children prayed in the chapel and then took part in a game, which consisted of solving riddles. At the end they met St. Madeleine Sophie. She asked them a few questions and gave them a gift. As a reward, the children ate delicious ice cream.

The video below presents how we celebrated that day. Enjoy!

Section |International News

Province |Poland

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |25 mai|25 mayo|feast|fête|fiesta|Madeleine Sophie Barat|Magdalena Sofía Barat|May 25