Chant des Feuillants Association Restoring Historic Chapel in Poitiers

Since 2018, the “Chant des Feuillants” association has been working to restore the Chapelle des Feuillants. Built at the initiative of Saint Madeleine-Sophie Barat in the convent of Poitiers in 1818, this chapel had been abandoned for about twenty years.

Currently, the roof is in bad repair, but restoration work on the dome should begin this month. The association’s team is committed to safeguarding the chapel’s heritage in order to pass on its legacy and perpetuate its history. Once restored, the chapel will be a cultural space, welcoming artists, shows and concerts, to continue to bring new life to this historic place. In order to publicize the project and raise funds, the artist Cilou composed a song for the association and produced a video clip in the chapel. This musical journey through the ages recounts the history of the association and the project as it looks ahead to the future.

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Section |International News

Province |Belgium/France/Netherlands