A child so precious: Reflecting on Madeleine Sophie’s lasting gifts

Nakiganda Ruth UGK Province

As we celebrate the feast of our Holy Mother, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, I would like to voice my gratitude to her for her concern for girl children, which we see in her words “For the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society.” These words have become part of me and on this great feast, I write to Mother Sophie to thank her for the seed she sowed in us, of caring for that “one child”.

Dear Mother Sophie, your words speak to me in a special way – how much I cherish them! Having received the Sacred Heart Philosophy of Education, I feel within me that your Spirit is perfectly alive.

Nurtured and formed by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, I am so grateful that I happen to be that “one child”. I was found, fashioned and formed in the Spirit of the Society. For all that I am, I am ever grateful to you, Mother Sophie, for thinking of that “one child” and to our sisters for “walking the talk” of our Holy Mother.

This quote, which speaks of all the love and care for a child that is so precious in God’s eyes, has transformed me, lives within me, and echoes inside of me. Wherever I go, my mission is to search for that ‘one child’! I am challenged to listen with great love to the marginalized of this world and in everything I do, to do it with the spirit of “For the sake of one child”.

In a special way, I remember you, our Holy Mother, for your great concern for that “one child”. Pray for me that your spirit may always work in and through me for the sake of that “one child”!

Yours affectionately,

Nakiganda Ruth
UGK Province

Section |International News

Province |Uganda/Kenya

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |25 mai|25 mayo|feast|fête|fiesta|Madeleine Sophie Barat|Magdalena Sofía Barat|May 25