Climate Change: A Response

"Hope of the Vulnerable" .... Children flying a tattered kite some days after Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) claimed lives and wrought severe destruction in several places of the Philippines on November 8, 2013 -- photo by Jose de Luna


The Climate Change Summit
will be convened in Paris
on November 30 to December 11, 2015.
The JPIC International Coordination Committee
invites the
Family of the Sacred Heart
to come together
in a circle of prayer and awareness
before and during this summit.

Prayer for Climate Change Summit

Loving and Creator God, help us to become
artisans of the revolution of tenderness
as we face the threats that arise
from global inequality
and the destruction of the environment.
These threats are interrelated
and are among the greatest
facing our human family today.
Help us to play our part in protecting
and sustaining our common home
as you call us to dialogue and a new solidarity.
Illumine our hearts so that we will see
the good of the human person as the key value
that directs our search for the global
and universal common good.
This prayer has been adapted from the conclusion of Cardinal Turkson’s Annual Lenten Lecture 2015 at Trocaire in Ireland on March 5, 2015. 
It is taken from Pause for Peace 2015, ‘Society of the Sacred Heart at the UN’ website.


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Some website resources that may be helpful:  (English, French)  (English, French, Spanish)  (English) 



JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home