Contribution of the Elder Sisters of the Casa Grande de Guadalajara, Mexico

We want to join the Society in celebrating Mater. In our community we have a very beautiful statue and the sisters of the Casa de Mayores, in Guadalajara, prepared for her feast by sharing an invocation to the Blessed Mother who is so dear to religious, lay collaborators and all the alumnae and students of our schools.

Photos were taken of the statue and in the attached presentation you will find what it means to us and what we want to say to the Blessed Mother on her feast.

The photos and the presentation were prepared by Sister Consuelo Romo RSCJ, member of the community.


Aportación Hermanas Mayores Mater_FRA

Aportación Hermanas Mayores Mater_ES

Section |International News

Province |Mexico

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Mater Admirabilis