Honoring Sophie and her curriculum at Taiwan?s Sacred Heart Primary School

The Feast of Madeleine Sophie and the achievements of Sophie?s curriculum were celebrated at Taiwan’s Sacred Heart Primary School.

The commemorative event for May 25 was conducted through various activities such as book discussions, musical performances, script writing, and character design, all of which took place in the classroom. Through engaging in dialogues related to the texts and participating in rehearsals for performances, students gained a deeper understanding of the era in which Sophie lived, her experiences of faith, and the Society of the Sacred Heart’s mission of love and mutual assistance in the service of God.

Starting from January 2023, we used the book “Sophie’s Story” as a starting point to lead the fourth-grade religious education class in reading together. In the new semester, through guided learning and teaching, we delved into the impact of the religious beliefs and family relationships faced by Sophie in her era.

In classroom discussions, we utilized a Taiwanese singer’s popular song “???” that the students enjoyed. We allowed the children to decide how to interpret the song in different ways. Some students played the flute, while others practiced dancing or playing drums, allowing the children to become performers showcasing their talents.

During the collaborative practice, the students brought together their abilities, and under the guidance of interdisciplinary teachers, we created a stage play that combined music, singing, drama, and dance. This production displayed the collective efforts, creativity, and talent of the entire class.

In the preparation process for the stage play, we encouraged students to actively participate in character design and script writing. Through discussions and collaboration, they incorporated their own ideas into the script, making the whole story more rich and interesting. This not only enhanced their creativity but also fostered critical thinking and expression skills.

During rehearsals and performances, we provided students with sufficient freedom and encouragement to interact with the text in class, engage in the creation and performance of the stage play, and to discover their individual styles and talents. This diverse expression allowed each child to find their place on the stage and feel acknowledged and accepted. As a result, the children gained a deeper understanding of Sophie and the characters and events in the story. Additionally, the practice process cultivated their teamwork skills, creativity, and self-confidence.

The stage play was presented to all parents, teachers, and students on the evening of May 19, 2023.

Watch the video of A Child?s Prayer below

A Child?s Prayer

Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child?s prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago
Suffer the children to come to me
Father, in prayer I?m coming now to thee
Pray, he is there
Speak, he is listening
You are his child
His love now surrounds you
He hears your prayer
He loves the children
Of such is the kingdom
The kingdom of heaven

Section |International News

Province |Korea/Chinese

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |25 mai|25 mayo|feast|fête|fiesta|Madeleine Sophie Barat|Magdalena Sofía Barat|May 25