International Planning Commission

The International Planning Commission has five members: Ananda Amritmahal (IND), Imma De Stefanis (USC), Elizabeth Nakayiza (UGK), Paqui Rodríguez (ESP) and Jacquelin Jiménez (VEN) (not shown here). They will work in collaboration with the General Council, and will recommend to the General Council a plan for implementing the decision of the Special Chapter of 2021 for reorganization of the Society, to include:

  • A new organization which will be made up of new entities smaller than the regions and larger than the provinces.
  • A plan for incorporating apostolic axes into this new organization according to rhythms and modalities that will be defined.
  • New governance structures which will enable and support the putting in common of our resources.
  • Strategies for addressing the following issues when forming the new organization: training, communities, leadership and authority, strengthening the integration of lay people in the mission, integrating experience in the learning and organizational process.
  • Input to the General Council on possible changes to the Constitutions.

Taking into specific account the eight recommendations of the Special Chapter and the work of the Special Chapter, the planning process should include work with provincials and provincial councils, existing commissions (JPIC, Education, Volunteers, Vocations) engagement with the Assembly of Provincials, participation of the membership and the family of the Sacred Heart, on-going education of the membership and the leadership, and a proposed method of ad experimentum that reflects that diverse realities of the current provinces/district/areas.

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