Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation
Visit the new JPIC Learning Hub website at: https://rscj-jpic.org
“We suffer the pain of our peoples.
With them, and from this depth, we enter into
the Open Heart of Christ, the wellspring that satisfies our thirst.
JPIC Image, by Ana Morales rscj
Click on the photo for a brief explanation.
From our contemplation of the Pierced Heart of Jesus
in the heart of wounded humanity flows the desire
to commit ourselves with greater passion and compassion
to justice, peace and integrity of creation.”
General Chapter 2008
Aiming to promote a common, yet multifaceted perspective on JPIC, we use the term “Transforming Relationships” to express this dynamic view that flows from relationship, through compassion, to transformation. This section contains lived experiences of “Transforming Relationships.”
Earth, our common home, “now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her” (Laudato Si, 2). Addressing the climate crisis is a critical part of caring for this our common home. In this section, we share concrete calls and action taken, as well as prayers, reflections, and insights.
The JPIC International Coordinator and the International JPIC Coordinating Committee (JPIC CoCo) post news, information, and updates here to keep the Sacred Heart Family abreast on JPIC concerns and matters. Provinces and regions, Sacred Heart institutions, RSCJs and mission partners are invited to send JPIC-related news, information, and resources to Anne Corry rscj (
“The pursuit of justice, peace and integrity of creation permeates all aspects of our lives. We want to include these in the criteria we use for discerning our relationships, ministries and commitments. In so doing, all our choices will be marked by Gospel values” (General Chapter 2008). In this section, we share resources and links that may help us in our reflection and discernment.
“We can learn only from His Heart how to look at the world,
to listen humbly to what He tells us about the realities of the world…”
Concha Camacho rscj
Letter to the Society
21 November 1974