Recently a group of eleven Sacred Heart Associates from Korea, accompanied by Kim Kyoung Hee RSCJ, visited the Mother House in Rome during their pilgrimage, called “Following the footsteps of Saint Madeleine Sophie”. In addition to the Mother House in Rome, the group visited Joigny, Paris, the Trinità dei Monti and the Vatican, and they stayed at the Villa Lante in Rome. The Mother House community and the “pilgrims” enjoyed getting to know each other over refreshments. Somehow, the language limitations disappeared and the associates shared that they have been part of the family of the Sacred Heart for many years. For them, the pilgrimage meant that they visited places they had heard about in the story of the Society. In preparation for their journey, the associates had read Phil Kilroy’s book, Madeleine Sophie Barat: A Life. The pilgrimage brought them very close to the reality and charism of Saint Madeleine Sophie.

Section |International News
Province |Korea/Chinese|Mother House