Lent 2019

On Ash Wednesday (March 6),
we enter into the Season of Lent.  
Here are resources for prayer and reflection
during this 40-day Lenten period.
Click on the title to access the resource.
Message of Pope Francis for Lent 2019:  
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rm 8: 19)
Pope Francis offers a few reflections to accompany our journey of conversion this coming Lent.
Stuart Center:  A Lenten journey in the footsteps of JPIC
In November 2018, the Society of the Sacred Heart held its first International JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) Meeting in the Philippines. Members of the USC Province, Associates and partners in mission spent six months in a reflection process to identify the issues and topics the USC Province brought to the meeting. Though the final document from the meeting will not be out until late June, we have the emerging calls that we would like to deepen and call us to concrete action now. “A Lenten Journey in the footsteps of JPIC” reflects some of the calls that are also priorities for our mission in the United States and Canada.
CAFOD:  Lent resources for young people
Use prayer and fundraising resources this Lent to get involved with the give it up challenge. Because no one should go hungry. 
CRS Rice Bowl:  Prepare for Lent 2019
Through CRS Rice Bowl, we share the journey with members of our human family around the world, and commit our Lenten prayers, fasting and almsgiving to deepening our faith and serving those in need.
Creighton University:  Praying Lent
We offer resources here to assist our entry into this wonderful season, from our preparing to begin Lent to our preparing to celebrate the holy three days following Lent.
Development and Peace – Caritas Canada:  Share the Journey
This year, Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is inviting you to share the journey with the 68.5 million forced migrants in the world as part of the global Share the Journey campaign launched by Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis.
Global Catholic Climate Movement:  Eating Simply — Lent 2019
This Lent, protect creation. Add a day of plant-based meals to your diet this Lent, or strive to eat only plant-based meals throughout the Lenten season.
IgnatianSpirituality.com:  Getting Ready for Lent 2019
Ash Wednesday is March 6, 2019, so today we’re highlighting just a few of the many Ignatian-inspired features designed to help you observe Lent.
Loyola Press:  Lent
Resources for your Lenten journey.
Mercy International Association:  Resources for Lent and Easter 2019
To help each one of us prepare for the Season of Lent (6 March – 18 April 2019) and following past practice, we have compiled our list of new-for-2019- free- online resources for your reading, listening, viewing, praying and reflection. 
Proclade – Claretian Presence at the United Nations:  Conversion.  Pray in Lent from the SDGs 2030
Lent is a time of change.   As Pope Francis proposes to us in the encyclical Laudato Si and from which most of this reflection is based, Lent could be an opportunity not only for ecological conversion but also transformation in the social, spiritual and Christian dimensions of life. With the method: To See, To Judge, To Act, we propose for you to see the reality presented to us by the goals of SDGs, from the biblical readings of each day, and an action, which although sometimes expressed in prayer and poetry, each one of us will have to concretize. We have a task to transform our world, near and far, into how God created and dreamed it. We are called to evangelize because, “We Are Missionaries.”
Welcome to this year’s Lent retreat.
Please send recommended resources to rscj.webweaver@gmail.com

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