Monthly prayer for vocations

From the Society of the Sacred Heart United States – Canada 

Religious of the Sacred Heart from throughout the International Society of the Sacred Heart invite all to dedicate personal and community prayer on the 25th day of each month to prayer for vocations.

In this way, on the 25th of each month, the whole Society will be praying as One Body for vocations.

Below you will find prayers in English, Spanish and French. New prayers are added around the 20th of each month.

To aid in your prayer we also invite you to view this video prayer created by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ, in both English and Spanish.

Oración por la Vocaciones Junio (ESP)

Oración por la Vocaciones Mayo (ESP)

Oración por la Vocaciones Abril (ESP)

Oración por la Vocaciones Marzo (ESP)

Oración por la Vocaciones Febrero (ESP)

Prayer for Vocations June (ENG)

Prayer for Vocations May (ENG)

Prayer for Vocations April (ENG)

Prayer for Vocations March (ENG)

Prayer for Vocations February (ENG)

Prière pour les vocations juin (FR)

Prière pour les vocations avril (FR)

Prière pour les vocations mars (FR)

Prière pour les vocations février (FR)

Section |International News|Vocation & Youth Ministry

Province |United States and Canada

Tags |prayer|vocations