Becoming an RSCJ : Sister Noël Maziku

It was with great joy that Sister Noël Maziku, of the Province of RDC-TCH, took her final vows on June 18, 2022 in the Church of Santa Trinità dei Monti in Rome, Italy.

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In 2003, still an aspirant in my parish, I was looking for a religious congregation where I could serve the Lord as a teacher, for educating children is one of my passions. My parish priest had given me a booklet containing the addresses of all the religious congregations with their charism and their service. After much reflection, and of course with the help of the Holy Spirit, I chose the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose charism and service was education. Today, I am a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and I do not regret this choice, because when I transmit my knowledge to the students who are entrusted to me, I see myself responding to the needs of the world and I feel truly at the service of the Church. Saint Madeleine Sophie used to say: “For a child’s soul, I will go to the ends of the earth”.  This phrase gives me the courage to go to the end of my ministry. 

Probation was a special time for me. I discovered the love of God in my life in a renewed and deeper way. This love allowed me to really know myself, to know who I am, freeing me from the fear that was keeping me from moving forward. On June 18, 2022, the most unforgettable day of my life, I could only say “thank you to God” who is the master of all things. Our probation was nicknamed the “unique probation” because of everything that happened before we got there. I am thinking in particular of the Covid pandemic, which prevented us from traveling to the different places of our missionary immersion. As they say, “after the rain comes the good weather!” Our good weather had arrived. I really felt it, the moment I stood up to take my vows. Deep down I was thinking, here it is, a dream come true. The tears might have flowed that day, but the Lord wanted us to be very happy. Yes, my joy was immense. Praise be to the name of the Lord!

“Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.”
(Matthew 10:8)

After this long journey, I am called to share with others all the graces received from the Lord. 

– Noël Maziku (RDC-TCH)

Section |International News|Profiles

Province |Chad|Democratic Republic of Congo/Chad

Tags |Final profession|Perpetual Profession|Probation|profesión perpetua|profession perpétuelle