Covid-19 Update: India

As of 27th March 2020

Regarding the situation in India, as per the latest news on 27th March a.m., there are 694 cases of persons affected by the Coronavirus and 16 deaths. However, there may be many more unreported cases. While compared to many other countries the number seems small, we are in the first stages of the transmission of the disease. The great anxiety for our government and all of us is that, given the size and density of our population and inadequate medical facilities, equipment and even protective gear for medical personnel, if the spread of the Coronavirus is not contained, then the situation would be disastrous. Our state and national governments have been very proactive. Since last week, state after state declared a lockdown; and since 24th March midnight, there has been a national lockdown. Not only are the borders sealed, but also internal travel by road, rail or air, except for the transport of essential supplies, has been shut down. All the RSCJ, our collaborators, students etc. are safe as of now. We are united in prayer with the whole Society and especially with those in countries most affected.

Anila Verghese rscj, in the name of the sisters in India