The Gospel of Encounter — John 4: 5-42

During the Perpetual Profession Ceremony
on 26th January 2020,
Florence de la Villeon rscj
shared her reflection on the encounter between 
Jesus and the woman from Samaria (John 4: 5-42).

Everyone who has been in touch with your group, has been struck by your attentiveness, your presence to each other and the way you listen. So, it seems logical that you have chosen the Gospel of Encounter for your Final Profession.​

The meeting between Jesus and a woman at the edge of a well is an unlikely event, but it is also a deep and intimate encounter which changes her life totally, fills her with joy and then invites her to communicate it with others.

What does God want to tell us through this Gospel?

  1. God comes to meet me, even if I am far away from Him; and at times He waits for me.

  2. God satisfies me even if I think that I don’t need him, and that I am self-sufficient. He invites me to conversion through our intimate encounter with Him.

  3. Christ gives me new life in abundance, in order to share it with others; and sends me on mission to His People…..

Click here to read the full text
of the reflection shared by Florence de la Villeon rscj
during the Final Profession Ceremony.



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