Prayer for the Day of All Saints

As we celebrate All Saints Day and the Day of Remembrance for all those who have died, let us join in prayers of thanksgiving and petition. 

Let us thank God for the women and men who have shown us the ways of God, who have taught us by their lives the preferences of Jesus’s Heart.

Let us pray for members of our families and friends, for RSCJ and the family of the Sacred Heart, who have completed their journey on earth
and have joined the Communion of Saints during this last year.

Let us pray in a special way for all the women and men who have died from COVID during this last year and for all those
who have had to learn a new way of grieving.

Let us pray to God for our world, with the prayer of Pope Francis:


Lord, Father of our human family

You created all human beings equal in dignity.

Pour forth into our hearts a spirit of kinship,

and inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter,

dialogue, justice and peace.

Move us to create healthier societies

and a more dignified world,

a world without hunger, poverty, violence and war.

May our hearts be open

to all the peoples and nations of the earth.

May we recognize the goodness and beauty

that you have sown in each of us,

and thus forge bonds of unity, common projects,

and shared dreams.


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Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition