Prayer for Sol Navidad rscj and the Philippines

Sheila Smith rscj of USC has written a prayer for the District of the Philippines, honoring the life of our dear Sol Navidad rscj:

My dear Sisters, you are in shock,
you must be, you have to be.
Your beloved Sol has died.
She is not here.
She is risen.
Do not be afraid.

Just as the women at the empty tomb
were filled with shock, so are you.
You must be, you have to be. Sol is not here.

« Mary of Solitude » has lived her mission on Mother Earth,
Bringing all of us closer to Jesus in his encounter with
the Samaritan woman, another woman of solitude
who became a true disciple.

She is not here.
She is risen.
Do not be afraid.

Sol is with God and God is with you.


Sheila Smith rscj (USC)

Sol - Sheila Smith

Sol - Sheila Smith_FRA

Sol - Sheila Smith_ESP

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