RSCJ and SacredHeartDNA youth come to Europe for World Youth Day 2023

Reprinted with permission from the Society of the Sacred Heart USC Province website.

In anticipation of the international World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 with Pope Francis, 24 young people connected to the Society of the Sacred Heart and five Religious of the Sacred Heart arrived in Rome to begin the inaugural SacredHeartDNA program: ?Belong and Act as One: Discovering Our SacredHeartDNA.?

SacredHeartDNA is an initiative born out of the Society of the Sacred Heart United States ? Canada Province Young Adult and Vocation Ministry Office, and the ?Belong and Act as One? participants represent four countries?Chile, Mexico, Poland and the United States.. The initiative focuses on bringing together an intergenerational group of young adults and RSCJ, and creating opportunities such as the ?Belong and Act as One? program for these respective groups to connect, grow in faith, build community and, ultimately, take action.

Read the full article on the Society of the Sacred Heart USC Province website

During the program, SacredHeartDNA will be posting daily updates and reflections from various participants on their social media pages. You can find SacredHeartDNA on Instagram and Facebook.

Section |International News|Vocation & Youth Ministry

Province |Chile, Mexico, Poland, United States and Canada

Tags |SacredHeartDNA

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