The Sacred Heart of Jesus: An Oasis of Love

UGK postulants Leaticia M. Najjuma, Vivian Balibawa, Ruth Sanyu N. and Gloria F. Ajwang have written this poem about the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspired by the words of Madeleine Sophie.

?Carry the love of Christ?s Heart to the ends of the earth?

(St. Madeleine Sophie Barat)

These words of St. Madeleine Sophie inspired us to write this poem, for we feel that love is a lifelong mission of every Christian. As young women desiring to carry on this mission, we see the Heart of Jesus as our source of inner strength and zeal for the mission.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus: An Oasis of Love

Oasis of love,
A Heart that never lacks,
Anchored in the Heart of the Father
Fired by the Spirit that guides our ways
A safe space for us in the face of storms of life

What can we compare you with?
So incomparable, so tender, and warm
Steadfast in love and kindness,
Filled with compassion and filling our lives
So unique a Heart you are!

Where would we be without your love O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus?
A source of love for the lonely ? young and old, poor and rich alike
A fountain of joy to all those who consecrate themselves to you
An ever-flowing river of Divine Mercy.

Pain, suffering, the cross, and Calvary
could not overshadow that love for all the lonely and afflicted
but fired you up the more enkindled to embrace all the dejected
the displaced, the sick, the excluded, the victims of war, the exploited.
You give them hope, as they lay their burdens by your pierced side

To you, we come just as we are,
Yearning for your tender love.
To your ever refreshing space, we come
Without an appointment, you openly receive us all.
You bid us come, and you generously fill our cups

O most pure Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thank you for your immeasurable infinite love,
so untainted and honest, reaching out to all creation
Teach us to discover your love each single day
Let us proclaim and sing of your love to all around us.

Leaticia M. Najjuma, Vivian Balibawa, Ruth Sanyu N. and Gloria F. Ajwang
Postulants in UGK Province

Section |International News

Province |Uganda/Kenya

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |16 de junio|16 juin|Feast of the Sacred Heart|Fête du Sacrè C?ur|Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón|June 16