We shared, prayed and celebrated during those days, deepening our identity as Region. We touched on the human dimension, community, interior life and simple life among the poor. In our conversation we were aware of the current reality in the international Society as well as in our Philippine Duchesne Region and provinces.
We are meeting one another as sisters, with different initial formation experiences, and these gatherings are helping and strengthening us as PTVs in the Region. We want to continue nourishing and developing our growth in this identity, because we feel not only PTVs of our provinces, but of the Region.
Nancy Durand (PER, director), Virginia Gonçalvez (BRA), Gisela Vilchez (PER), Danila Mego (PER),
Middle row (from left to right:
Lillian Crosby (PER, director), Miluska Romero (PER)
Front row (from left to right):
María Luisa Franco (PER), Naty Chamorro (CHI), Jimena O´Neill (ARU), Jaqui Salazar (PER)
Section |International News
Province |Argentina/Uruguay|Brazil|Chile|Colombia|Peru