A Green Corner in the Old Town District of Poznań, Poland

For 30 years, the “Green Poznań” competition has been held in Poznań, with the aim of encouraging the people of Poznań to take care of green places such as allotment gardens, kitchen gardens, green belts, housing estate flowerbeds, green areas and green balconies.

Five years ago, our Poznań garden won a distinction, and this year it won first  place in the greenery and green belts category.

On November 29, a gala was held at the Poznań International Fair and prizes were awarded, which included various small items needed in the garden, such as flower cuttings and seeds, as well as a cash prize for first place.

Five years ago, more than 7,000 objects were judged in the competition and this year there were around 3,000, as the years of the pandemic significantly reduced the number of participants.

We are delighted that our garden has gained the support of the competition committee and, moreover, has become a site that is occasionally visited as a green corner in the Old Town Quarter.

Caring for our garden is caring for the earth; it is our concrete commitment to JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation).

Maria Broniec rscj

Section |International News

Province |Poland

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