A prayer to prepare for the Feast of Mater

This presentation, in preparation for the Feast of Mater Admirabilis, offers some prayers along the lines of various invocations from the Litany of the Blessed Mother. Much of the content is taken from the booklet “Commentaire des Litanies de Mater Admirabilis” (“Commentary on the Litanies of Mater Admirabilis”) by a Religious of the Sacred Heart and published by the “Maison Mère 1960”. The author is M. Sabine de Valon, who was the Superior of the Community of Trinità dei Monti for several years and then Superior General of the Society of the Sacred Heart from 1958 to 1967.

You can download a PDF of the English translation of the prayer and watch a video of the original presentation in Spanish below.

Ana Ramírez Ugarte rscj
Province of Mexico

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