Advent 2016

"Sit and be still…Be with yourself…Listen…Wait…To be found."- painting by Beth Sulleza rscj (PHI)

"At this crucial point of history,
Jesus is still calling us to be “Women of the Heart”,
giving us the possibility of listening once more
to God’s dream for humanity,
which moves us to
make each action of our lives
brim over with love."
~ Life Unfolding… Offering the Gift Received
General Chapter 2016 calls us "to create silence."

This Advent, we invite you to share reflections that can help "to deepen our interior life, our capacity for contemplation and for listening to the heartbeat of God in ourselves and in our world; to discern in silence and welcome the action of the Spirit that transforms us, energizes us, and calls us to live our prophetic and educational mission."  (GC2016) 

Click on the title of the reflection to access the document.
Advent Poems   (Kimberly King rscj, USC)
Adviento: “Apostando a la esperanza”   (Mariola López rscj, ESP)
Ecos de la anunciación  (Fernanda Vacas rscj, VEN)
La Visitación   (Ana María Donato – una compañera de nuestras hermanas de ARU)
More reflections will be posted as they become available.
Contributions will be posted in the language (English, French, or Spanish) in which these are sent.





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Our Spirituality |Celebrating the Seasons