Asia-Oceania Meeting of Religious on Global Ecological Conversion

Photo credit: UISG News

The 17th Asia-Oceania Meeting of Religious (AMOR XVII),
which was held in Yangon, Myanmar
on the 27th of February 27 to the 3rd of March 2017,
focused on the "Call to Global Ecological Conversion."
In their Final Statement, the delegates of AMOR XVII declared that:
"… After having discussed and reflected on the theme – Call for Global Ecological Conversion – we affirm the reality and urgency of this call, and express our commitment to respond to it through our way of life and mission according to our respective charisms as consecrated women and men. 
In heeding the call for ecological conversion, we will seek ways to integrate love of creation and responsibility as carers of Creation in our contemplation and action. We will take up and/or support the fight for ecological justice through ecological evangelization to counter globalized consumerism and corruption. We will seek to discover and enhance our interconnectedness with nature and the environment, leading us to protect rather than challenge and destroy them. 
Trusting in God-Mercy, we– missionaries of Mercy– we pledge to be steadfast in our faithful partnership with God in the care of our common home, and to remind and critically collaborate with our national governments to come up with adequate and effective laws and their efficient implementation, to assure this and the future generations of a home according to God’s plan."
Click here to read an article from the National Catholic Reporter
that gives a brief report on the AMOR XVII calls and proceedings:


JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home

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