A blessing from Pope Francis

On Wednesday, 24th of January 2018,
the Probation Community received this telegram
from the Secretary of State of the Vatican.


Alle Reverende Sr. Mary Isabel Rocha, Sr. Vanesa Peralta, Sr. Jessie Muñoz, Sr. Kariman Ibrahem, Sr. Deodita Godinho, Sr. Yukiko Aoki, Sr. Mary Li, Sr. Milagritos Campos, Sr. Ma. Bethanie Sulleza, Sr. Mary Grace Nakato, Sr. Resty Nalubega e Sr. Sarah Clavier

Nella lieta circostanza della loro professionne perpetua, il Sommo Pontefice Papa Francesco desidera esprimere vivo compiacimento e il fervido auspicio de perseverante e generosa fedelta’ agli ideali della vita consacrata secondo il carisma delle Suore del Sacro Cuore di Gesu’ e nella totalle dedizione a Cristo e mentre invoca su di loro larga effusione di favori divini per la costante ascesa interiore ed il servizio alla santa chiesa sempre animato da viva carita’ imparte di cuore l’implorata bendizione apostolica che volentieri estende alle consorelle, ai rispettivi familiari, alle persone care ed presenti tutti al sacro rito.

Dal Vatican, 28 Gennaio 2018.

Cardinale Pietro Parolin
Segretario di Stato di Sua Santita

Translation of the text:

To each of the Reverend Sisters:  Sr. Mary Isabel Rocha, Sr. Vanesa Peralta, Sr. Jessie Muñoz, Sr. Kariman Ibrahem, Sr. Deodita Godinho, Sr. Yukiko Aoki, Sr. Mary Li, Sr. Milagritos Campos, Sr. Ma. Bethanie Sulleza, Sr. Mary Grace Nakato, Sr. Resty Nalubega and Sr. Sarah Clavier

On this happy occasion of your Final Profession, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, wishes to express his delight and fervent desire for your generous and persevering fidelity to the ideals of the consecrated life according to the charism of the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in total dedication to Christ. As he invokes a great outpouring of divine grace upon you for a constant interior growth in the service of the Holy Church, always inspired by a profound love, he wholeheartedly gives you the apostolic blessing, which extends to all the Sisters, to your families and loved ones, and to all those present at the profession ceremony.

From the Vatican, 28 January 2018

Cardinale Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State of His Holiness

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