Celebrating Women’s Day in Torpa, India

On the 19th March about 2200 women from the Rania and Torpa block (many of them with their small children) came together to celebrate International Women's Day. Many of these women had walked from their villages for around 8 to 9 km and then organised some transport to reach the venue in time for a 10am start.
The theme for the day was "agricultural livelihood in connection with migration and human trafficking". Many of the women composed and performed awareness songs, prepared street plays and did traditional dancing. 
The main speaker was Dr Kiran Sing, Director KVK Syraykola (Jamshedpur). In her speech she highlighted the wealth that we have in Jarkhand and also guided the women with many innovative ideas for improved agriculture. In the same speech she mentioned that women play a very important role in Indian agricultural economy – without women's contribution it will be lost.
There were many other dignitaries like Jillha Parished Adhkshay, District Collector and SDO representatives Torpa Pramukh, and media people present for the programme. All in their speeches commented on the women's excellent performance of awareness songs, plays and dances and appreciated their contribution to the family livelihood. Some of them invited women to stop the human trafficking of youth of the villages. 
Part of the programme was an exhibition. The trainees from different departments displayed garments, handicrafts, agricultural products and so on 
The programme ended at 2pm with a meal for everyone. 
Daphne Sequiera rscj  
with photos by Mr. Kuldeep Barla
Province of India

Province |India

JPIC |Transforming Relationships

Tags |Women