“The Earth and its ecosystems are our home.
In order to achieve a just balance
among the economic, social, and environmental needs
of present and future generations, it is necessary
to promote harmony with nature and the Earth.”
United Nations International Mother Earth Day
“The Earth herself, burdened and laid waste,
is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor;
she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22).”
Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, #2.
Earth Day 2018 raises awareness

Public domain images from www.pxhere.com
Here are some Earth Day resources.
The one-line description is a direct quote from the cited resource.
Some English resources:
This year, Catholic Climate Covenant focuses on how our overuse of single-use disposable plastics contributes to what Pope Francis calls “the throwaway culture.
Every Year Skype in the Classroom, celebrates our planet throughout the month of April in honor of Earth Day by inviting educators from around the world to connect their students globally to make impact locally and learn about conservation, climate change and ecology from experts.
Consume less: Reducing consumption is a moral imperative and will make you happy!
Play more: For kids and adults, free play is our truest form of connection and happiness.
Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally change human attitude and behavior about plastics.
Devoting a special day to helping for the earth is a way to demonstrate how much we care about the future of our planet.
Mark Earth Day this year by supporting the effort to keep plastic debris out of our oceans — the theme of this year’s free poster.
We’ve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers. But what actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away? Emma Bryce traces the life cycles of three different plastic bottles, shedding light on the dangers these disposables present to our world.
International Mother Earth Day is celebrated to remind each of us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance.
Written and produced by Julie Blue and sung by Radiant Heart Song Circle, this song is dedicated to the beauty and blessing of water, our source of life itself.
If you can’t reuse it, refuse it.
Quelques ressources en français:
L’occasion de se pencher sur les chiffres (chocs) de la pollution au plastique…
Cette journée constitue l’occasion de réfléchir à la relation que nous entretenons avec la nature et aux problèmes environnementaux qu’il importe de régler par nos actions quotidiennes.
Dites non au plastique jetable
La Journée internationale de la Terre nourricière est célébrée chaque année pour nous rappeler que la Terre et ses écosystèmes nous soutiennent et nous nourrissent durant toute notre vie.
Cette année, célébrez la Journée de la Terre en vous mobilisant pour que les déchets plastiques ne finissent pas dans nos océans. C’est le thème du poster gratuit de cette année.
Algunos recursos en español:
Podemos pasar un día celebrando nuestro amor por la tierra, y por ello se dan diversos actos que nos permiten celebrar este día de un modo especial, dejando claro nuestro compromiso con el medio ambiente, la tierra y el entorno que nos rodea.
Rechaza lo que no puedes reusar
Celebramos el Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra para recordar que el planeta y sus ecosistemas nos dan la vida y el sustento.
Destaca el Día de la Tierra este año apoyando el esfuerzo para mantener los desechos de plástico fuera de nuestros océanos, el tema del póster gratuito de este año.
JPIC |A Focus for Transforming Relationships: Care for the Earth, Our Common Home