Easter Triduum 2021: Prayer-and-reflection guide for the Sacred Heart Family

Painting by Lisa Buscher rscj (USC)

The JPIC International Team offers the Sacred Heart Family this prayer-and-reflection guide for Easter Triduum 2021.  Inspired by Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, it is our response to the worldwide call to prayer at this time of the Covid-19 global pandemic.  

Easter Triduum

Easter Sunday


Thank you to the following for the guides that they prepared:

Holy Thursday – Miren Lumbreras rscj (Spain)
Holy Friday – Lisa Buscher rscj (United States – Canada)
Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday –  Alejandra de la Riva (candidate), Patricia Hevia rscj, Mariola López Villanueva rscj  (Spain)

We wish you a hope-filled Holy Week!     

The JPIC International Team
(Anne Corry rscj, Joy Luz rscj, Sheila Smith rscj)


Triduum Pascal 2021

Triduo Pascual 2021


Dimanche de Pâques

Domingo de Resurrección

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