“Faced with the complexity of the world, an interior journey”



V International Conference of Heads of Schools of the Sacred Heart

"Faced with the complexity of the world, an interior journey.”

21-25 October 2015
  1. Pilar Cardó RSCJ:    Enlightenment in a Complex World:  A Contemplative Path

  2. Juan Luis Hernández:   Youth:  Transforming Force of History

  3. Jorge Rocha:   Thoughts on Youth and Its Approach to Social Reality

  4. Mariola López RSCJ:   Educating for Contemplation and Interiority from the Sacred Heart:  A theoretical-experiential exposition

  5. Georgina Zubiría RSCJ:   What is the Meaning of the Charism of the Sacred Heart in a Complex Today



From left to right:   Pilar Cardó,  Juan Luis Hernández,  Jorge Rocha,  Mariola Lopez,  Georgina Zubiría


PCardo - EN

JLHernández - EN

JRocha - EN

MLópez - EN

GZubiría - EN

Province |Mexico

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