Feast of Mater Admirabilis: Two stories of a “Yes” to God’s call and invitation

“With great love and desire, God has led you
to turn your eyes to the strength which dwells within you,
to the potentialities that perhaps were asleep inside you.
You have seen your dignity and identity as daughters of God.
Once again you can say that your own life story is a place of salvation! 
The Word has become flesh in you!”
Kathleen Conan rscj
Conference to the Probanists, 2011
On this feast of Mater Admirabilis,
Mother of the Invisible and Mother of the Essential,
we share two stories of a YES to God’s call and invitation.
Click on the photo of the RSCJ to access her story.
Ewa Bartosiewicz (POL)                    Naty Chamorro (CHI)
More stories will be posted, as soon as these are available.




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