First vows of Sandra Cayetano Victoriano in Mexico

With great joy we announce the celebration of Sandra Cayetano Victoriano, who professed her first vows to the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Province of Mexico, on Saturday, May 7, 2022, at 1:00 pm, in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. 

The celebration can be seen on YouTube:  

Religious, family members and a large group of people from the communities in which Sandy collaborated as a candidate and who have accompanied her entry into religious life participated in the celebration. 

You can read Ana Ramírez Ugarte RSCJ’s speech below.

In the words of the novice:

Why do I want to be an RSCJ?

Jesus has called me to identify with his way of Being and Doing, and He also has invited me to collaborate in his mission. The Society is the path through which I am responding to this invitation and bringing my desire to life. To be an RSCJ is to recognize and know that I am walking alongside women disciples and friends of Jesus; women who have united their talents to discover and reveal a God who walks with His people and in community.

How do I feel?

At this moment I am excited and tremendously moved and surprised by the joy in the province, the response of my family and the people who have been accompanying me to discover and nurture this desire. And with that taste of celebration comes the excitement, but before the commitment of the vows I feel very grateful to our good God, for His call and His trust, grateful for the affection of the province, my family, friends and the extended community.

“I believe in my heart, which is always poured out, but never emptied.” – Gabriela Mistral

VOTOS DE SANDY discurso Ana Ramirez Ugarte RSCJ_EN

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Section |International News

Province |Mexico

Tags |first vows|premiers vœux|primeros Votos