Global Service Day

Let us join together as the international family of the Sacred Heart
to honor Philippine by a day of service in her name.

Global Service Day

on Saturday, September 15, 2018,
marks the anniversary of the day Philippine opened 
the first Sacred Heart school in the New World,
the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles, Missouri.
(The school opened on September 14, 1818.)

Invitation prior to planning: Inspired by the image of Philippine with a map on her lap, you are invited to analyze local community needs with the aid of a map and then pray with these or similar questions: “If Philippine were here today, what would attract her, where would she place herself, and/or where would she yearn to serve?” 
Plan: Once the discernment has brought each group to a decision regarding where, what, how and with whom one serves, all logistics, preparation and planning are accomplished locally. Keep in mind that the spirit of ‘with’ rather than ‘for’ is always better. 
Communicate: Some of the power (and joy) of this day will occur in communicating among ourselves and on social media. Let’s inspire each other and have fun seeing what others around the world are doing! It will be a wave of grace throughout the day, across the globe!
How can you communicate: Create momentum in advance, post messages throughout the day and do follow-up through social media. We will post more information on the bicentennial website regarding publicity opportunities.
Some overarching goals of this day include: Learning about a particular injustice. Building community. Discovering more about and having pride in our International Network. Developing a long-term relationship with a new service site. Providing visibility for the mission of discovering and revealing God’s Love. 
More information: Updated, new and ongoing information; the Global Service Day hashtag; a list of where groups will be working; and more will be posted to the bicentennial website:

Questions: Contact Maureen Glavin rscj ( 


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