Some highlights of our life together…..

Young RSCJ from the Province of Poland

We are called to become one body in Christ;
each member needs the other in order
to give and receive support and dynamism,
and to be directed towards a common aim.”
RSCJ Constitutions # 156                    
Here are five photos of recent “significant moments” in the life of 
our communities, provinces, or regions in different parts of the world.  

Province of Uganda – Kenya
Holy Thursday in Choose Life Home-Based Care
We began our morning with an introduction to the meaning of the Holy Week, followed by time of silence. We spread pictures and reflections about the different moments of the Pascal Triduum in the big hall accompanied by soft music.
We all participated in preparing a place for the “Passover of the Lord.” Some people went to cook, others prepared the table, others the readings, etc.
After a while we gathered together outside to wash each other’s feet (hands), it was a solemn and quiet which we realized the need of every one to be washed, to be forgiven, to be loved. It was a touching and meaningful celebration.
We thanked God for the good spirit in Choose Life Home Based Care Community.
** From the UGK March 2018 Newsletter
Province of England – Wales
Visit of the Central Team
From 21st – 30th March we were delighted to welcome Barbara Dawson (Superior General) and her Team to the Province. During their ten days with us they visited communities, and met with teams, committees, key staff and with all members of the Province, engaging with us in conversations about ourselves and the Society in Europe and the world.
Silvana Dallanegra rscj

United States – Canada Province
Cor Unum 65+ met on March 15-18 in Northbrook, Illinois.
“A wonderful weekend of Sisterhood in the Sacred Heart tradition.
Thank you for the prayers, our honesty, the laughter and our Cor Unum.”
** From the FB webpage of We Are Sacred Heart – RSCJ
Province of Poland
On February 26th to March 7th, the Central Team visited the Province of Poland.
“They shared life with us. They talked with us and got to know our ministries.
They had meetings with different committees in the Province, as well as with all the Sisters.
Together we talked about the future of the Society.”
** From the website of the Province of Poland
Province of Spain
First Meeting of Generation A
In the weekend of 10th – 11th February, we had the meeting of Generation A at our provincial house in Spain. This group includes all those who made their noviceship in Granada and afterwards.

We focused on the following:

  • “We take responsibility for our provincial reality”  (This province is my province.)
  • “We take this responsibility on ourselves” (What personal and group implications are implicit in this?)

We pursued these triple objectives:

  • To internalize the situation and the current needs of the province and of our Generation A.
  • To encourage and give energy to a greater commitment to the Province.
  • To listen to one another and dialogue on Provincial issues.

It was greatly appreciated that all who are in this generation were able to attend and we were able to deepen, exchange, and reflect on the reality we are being called to by the Lord Jesus to show forth His love.

Our second meeting will be in April, with the Central Team, during their visit to our province.
Teresa Gomà rscj

We invite you to send photos with brief descriptions of “significant moments” to

Section |International News

Province |England/Wales|Poland|Spain|Uganda/Kenya|United States and Canada