A letter to Sophie, inspired by the pierced Heart of Jesus

Dear Sophie,

You drew your strength and inspiration from the pierced Heart of Jesus and you felt called to make this love known to others. Dear Mother Sophie, I feel deeply called to do the same as you did no matter what the challenges.  

Your sense of humor bubbled up and kept you safe. “If pagans” you said, “can make great sacrifices for the sake of their own glory, cannot I bear what crosses me for the sake of the God in heaven whom I serve, and be courageous under difficult circumstances?” You proposed at the beginning of the Society that generosity, a strong and generous love of Jesus Christ should be the spirit of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Indeed it is, and we continue to ask you to pray for us to keep this candle burning.

Mother, you were a builder who established more than 80 houses, a prayerful woman, an educator and a spiritual guide.  May you pray for me and the whole Society to imitate your exemplary life.

Mother you always listened to the Spirit to lead you where God willed you to go. You said, “If I had my life to live over again, I would seek to live in complete openness to the Spirit for nothing can be done without his guidance”. Mother, pray for us especially in these days of the pandemic that we, like you, may be guided by the Spirit in all we do.

Your loving daughter,

Veneranda Nabisenke

Letter to Sophie

Section |International News

Province |Uganda/Kenya

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Feast of Madeleine Sophie|Madeleine Sophie Barat|May 25