Joigny Renewal Program: “World and Mission”

Praying with Sophie: Our names written on hearts that form the Society's logo

Joigny, 24 November 2019

It has been more than 10 days since we began our renewal program here in Joigny. These have been rich, substantial days that allowed us to deepen the theme:


On the 18th we shared, first in small groups and afterwards with the whole group, our personal experience of apostolic life. And what could we have better to end this day, if not a beautiful liturgy celebrating our Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne?

In the morning of the 19th we shared further from our personal experience with the help of these questions:

  • How did I experience injustice or vulnerability (in myself, my family, others)?
  • How did others help, support, encourage, enliven hope in me? Who were these good Samaritans in my life?
  • How did this experience help me to become a compassionate person?

Once again the sharing in small groups was deep, and sometimes moving.  We ended the morning with a time for personal internalization.

In the afternoon, Anne Corry rscj presented the JPIC document “Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World.”  She gave us a very clear and full synthesis of this document that is so important in expressing our spirituality today.

The next day, we received Paloma Fernandez de la Hoz rscj (CEU), who for two days made us savor the richness of “Laudato si’.” She helped us understand the intimate interconnection among us, others, and the planet; and how we can “orient, cultivate, and limit our power” (LS 78).

In the evening of the 21st, with the community in Joigny, we celebrated our feast:  the 219th anniversary of the Society. We had a beautiful Eucharistic liturgy, followed by dinner together.

On the 22nd we had a mini-immersion in the local dimension of the mission. One group visited a reception center for immigrants.  Another group went to Secours Catholique de Joigny, where some volunteers shared about their activities to help the poor.

Yesterday, the 23rd,  we had a day of personal integration in silence and prayer, which we ended with another round of profound sharing.
Antonella Aloisi rscj  (ITA)

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