Lent 2022

March 2 is Ash Wednesday,
and the beginning of the Lenten season,
a time for deeper prayer,
conversion, and transforming action.

All too often in our lives, greed, pride and the desire to possess, accumulate and consume have the upper hand, as we see from the story of the foolish man in the Gospel parable, who thought his life was safe and secure because of the abundant grain and goods he had stored in his barns (cf. Lk 12:16-21). Lent invites us to conversion, to a change in mindset, so that life’s truth and beauty may be found not so much in possessing as in giving, not so much in accumulating as in sowing and sharing goodness.

– From Pope Francis’s message for Lent 2022

Here are some resources for prayer, reflection, and action:

From Pope Francis

“Let us not grow tired of doing good…”
The Pope’s message for Lent 2022.

Other resources

CAFOD Lent resources for young people
Video, poster, assembly ideas, calendar, liturgy, stations of the Cross, reconciliation service, etc.

CAFOD’s online Lent calendar 2022
A 2022 online calendar to reflect, pray and take global justice actions throughout the season of Lent.

Creighton University: Praying Lent
“In our busy world, Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, experience sorrow for what we’ve done and failed to do, and to be generous to those in need.”

Knowing Jesus: Lent Retreat 2022
A retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola​.

Lent: Resources for your Lenten journey
Loyola Press offers resources for liturgy, prayers and retreat, Lenten activities, arts and faith, and perspectives on Lent.

Maryknoll Lenten Reflection Guide 2022: Upholding Human Dignity and Human Rights
In this Lenten Reflection Guide, we offer reflections, questions, prayers, and actions based on each week’s Scripture readings in light of Catholic social teaching on human rights and Maryknoll mission experience. Use this guide individually or in small groups to reflect upon your life patterns, to pray more deeply, and to renew your spirit to face the realities of our world.

Lenten Resources 2022
The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) offers this collection of Lenten resources.

Praying with you during this Lenten season
The National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) is pleased to offer resources that enable Catholic educators to guide their students during this season of Lent.

Trocaire Lenten Homilies 2022
Welcome to the season of Lent, to a time of stripping back what isn’t important and remembering who we are and what is at the heart of this one precious life we have each been given. Today’s readings invite us to let go of distractions, or temptations, and to recognise God who is present with us on our journey.

JPIC reflection guide for Ash Wednesday
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for Ash Wednesday.

JPIC reflection guide for the first week of Lent
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for the first week of Lent.

JPIC reflection guide for the second week of Lent
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for the second week of Lent.

JPIC reflection guide for the third week of Lent
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for the third week of Lent.

JPIC reflection guide for the fourth week of Lent
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for the fourth week of Lent.

JPIC reflection guide for the fifth week of Lent
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for the fifth week of Lent.

JPIC reflection guide for Palm Sunday
The JPIC International Team has provided this prayer/reflection guide for Palm Sunday.

AT THE CORE: Animating the Mission of Sacred Heart Education (March 2020)
Some of the highlights in this issue include: What is Lent? Why is Lent essential? The Invitation to be united in Prayer…7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching – Videos and Reflection Resources for Lent

Please send suggested Lenten resources to comms@rscjroma.org







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