A letter to Sophie from her daughter, Gyaviira

Dear Sophie,

I, your daughter, come before you, calling upon you to teach me how to love and pray. Your name means wisdom. This challenges me to be as wise as you were. You were born of fire and this influenced you with a desire to set the world on fire with the love of the Heart of Jesus. Sophie, you were a woman of prayer. God was always number one in your life; no wonder you became a saint. Teach me too, how to pray always. Your strict lessons with your brother would sometimes upset you.  However, through all of this, you became strong and firm, you persevered and this exposed you to many opportunities at a tender age, you learnt many languages. I am challenged to be positive in my class work, it is an opportunity for me to treasure, any eye-opener to the realities of life. “I want no other way than God’s will”. These words of yours inspire me as I continue to discern my call to religious life. My loving mother, you had an open mind, open to learn from and listen to everyone. May I learn from you to be open to new ideas and changes as you were.  Mother Sophie, your endless love for everyone you met is the virtue that I wish to make my daily code. To you, everyone mattered. May I emulate you in all I do, wonderful mother. Pray for me always.

Your loving novice,

Francisca Gyaviira Nakarera


Section |International News

Province |Uganda/Kenya

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

Tags |Feast of Madeleine Sophie|Madeleine Sophie Barat|May 25