Madeleine Sophie – Reflection

In preparation for the feast of Madeleine Sophie on May 25, Irma Dillard rscj, Margaret Causey rscj, and Suzanne Cooke rscj of the Conference of Sacred Heart Education (USC Province) offer this prayer video “in the hope that Sophie’s example may support all of us in our desire to deepen our own capacity for silence and contemplation.”

They likewise invite us to reflect on these questions:

  • Has Sophie’s story helped you during these weeks? If so, in what way?
  • Have Sophie’s words and images drawn you to listen in silence to the Spirit? What is the Spirit saying to you?
  • Are Sophie’s words drawing us to act as “One Body” to address injustices exposed by the pandemic?

Those who wish to share their responses may do so through this link.

From an email sent by Debbie Rolheiser
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart

Province |United States and Canada

Our Spirituality |The Sacred Heart Spiritual Tradition

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