Feast of Mater Admirabilis: Praying with Mary

October 20 is the feast of Mater Admirabilis.
We offer two points for our prayer and reflection.
1.  An excerpt from a conference in 1983 by Helen McLaughlin rscj:

In the Gospel (Luke 1: 26-38), we contemplate Mary saying these two words: “ECCE”…“FIAT”….  It seems to me that these are more than words; they are deep attitudes. May Mary help us to enter into them.

ECCEEcce (behold) is an openness, an openness to the call, openness to life, openness to reality just as it is, in the variety of our lived experiences; an openness to persons, to our sisters, to the present journey of the Society, to the future; and especially, beyond all of this, openness to the Spirit, which is the essential.

FIAT: Fiat (let it be) is the answer, the consent; God enfolding all that makes up our lives in order to bring about mystery. All of our relationships lived in love, honesty and humility are caught up in this FIAT. This is an active consent to move forward together: journeying together, living co-responsibility; it is for us a powerful means of mutual affirmation. 

In between ECCE and FIAT there was an entire dialogue, a search, a discernment; thus the FIAT could be very free, very real, more conscious of the action of the Spirit.

Let us turn to Mary and say to her [these words from our Contitutions, #9]:

Mary, woman of faith,
woman of courage in the people of God
remain close to us, today and always.
2.  A video presentation prepared by AMASC (World Association of Alumnae and Alumni of the Sacred Heart) that invites us to contemplate Mary’s weaving hands.

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