Meeting of European PTVs on the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart

On February 26-27, 2022, thirteen RSCJ gathered in front of their computers to share the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eight PTVs participated in the meeting: Timea, Ági and Cecilia (CEU Province), Urszula and Barbara (POL Province), Gaetane (BFN Province), Alicia (ESP Province) Barbara (IRS Province) and five formators: Judit (CEU), Dorota (POL), Benedict (BFN), Mamen (ESP) and Steph (ENW).

We began the meeting by sharing news about Russian’s armed invasion of Ukraine. We exchanged our thoughts, feelings, and fears, coming from our hearts and influenced by reality. During the prayer, we contemplated the Pierced Heart of Jesus and reflected on these paragraphs from the Constitutions of the Society:

[… ]The pierced Heart of Jesus opens our being to the depths of God and to the anguish of humankind. Jesus draws us into His movement of adoration of the Father and love for all, especially those who are poor. (Constitutions &8)

By our charism, we are consecrated to GLORIFYING THE HEART OF JESUS: we answer His call to discover and reveal His love letting ourselves be transformed by His Spirit so as to live united and conformed to Him, and through our love and service to radiate the very love of His Heart.  (Constitutions, &4)

Later in the meeting, we shared how we experienced the Spirituality of the Heart as transformative in daily life. Further on, we were inspired by the story of the two wolves to recognize and name our inner attitudes. The first wolf symbolizes attributes such as joy, hope, and truth, while the second one represents jealousy, self-pity, and guilt, among other things. Through this exercise, we became more aware of the good and the evil within us. From this awareness, we can influence which attributes we strengthen within ourselves.

The following day, we started from the prayer based on the Gospel of the day (Lk 6, 39-45). Later, we shared what the treasure of the Spirituality of the Heart is for each of us. During the meeting, Jesus renewed us and convinced us that the Holy Spirit dwells within us and gradually transforms us.

Section |International News

Province |Belgium/France/Netherlands|Central Europe|England/Wales|Ireland/Scotland|Poland|Spain

Tags |professed of temporary vows|PTV

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